Gestisci efficacemente le esigenze di formazione e sviluppo nella tua organizzazione. Assicura la pianificazione periodica dei corsi di formazione interni ed esterni, gestendo costi, luoghi e materiali di supporto, ottimizzando anche le risorse disponibili in azienda.
Crea un elenco completo dei corsi pianificati con un calendario di formazione e determina la sede, la data e i partecipanti del corso.
Utilizza la matrice di valutazione delle esigenze formative per identificare quali corsi di formazione sono necessari per ciascun dipendente.
Mantieni il controllo completo sul completamento di ciascun corso di formazione e conserva certificati e conferme di partecipazione.
Gestisci i costi di formazione dell'organizzazione con una visione completa dei costi associati a ciascun corso di formazione.
Gestisci l'allocazione delle risorse per identificare colli di bottiglia e risorse in eccesso, fornendo maggiore efficienza ed efficacia al processo.
Offri corsi anche in formato e-learning. In questo modo, ogni studente può completare la formazione al proprio ritmo e in un momento che è più conveniente per lui.
Modernizza il tuo software gestione qualità, riduci lo sforzo richiesto per mantenere la conformità, acquisisci maggiore agilità e trasparenza, e promuovi il miglioramento continuo in tutta l'organizzazione, aumentando la soddisfazione del cliente.
Attraverso una piattaforma software ESG integrata, struttura processi e politiche per gestire e controllare in modo efficace tutte le iniziative e gli indicatori ESG nella tua organizzazione.
Gestisci i tuoi processi di cambiamento, trasforma le idee in risultati e guida l'innovazione e i cambiamenti organizzativi nella tua azienda con una piattaforma completa.
Previeni gli incidenti, riduci i costi e garantisci la conformità con un software gestionale che integra tutti i processi relativi alla salute, alla sicurezza e all'ambiente.
Soddisfa le esigenze di gestione dei talenti, formazione e sviluppo, valutazione delle prestazioni del team, pianificazione della carriera e della successione in un'unica piattaforma.
Protezione avanzata dei dati
SoftExpert garantisce la protezione dei dati della vostra azienda e il rispetto dei requisiti degli standard più recenti.
Connetti SoftExpert Suite ad altri strumenti aziendali già utilizzati nella tua organizzazione.
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Innovation management - how to ensure competitiveness and sustainability in your business
Scarica• Accordo sul Livello di Servizio (SLA)
• Cronologia delle richieste
• Portali self-service
• Catalogo dei servizi
How to Implement IT Service Management that Supports Your Company's Strategy and Objective
Scarica"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"SoftExpert's technology has been a real milestone for us, bringing significant change to our processes and directly impacting the experience of our cooperative members. Modernizing our technology is crucial for us to keep progressing and enhancing our performance. That's why we are committed to extending these solutions to other internal processes, as we believe they are disruptive technologies with great potential for application in various areas. A true success story in automation and artificial intelligence, which is already inspiring other financial cooperatives to optimise their processes through technology."
Ademir José Carota - Managing Director of Sicoob Cocred
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"SoftExpert's technology has been a real milestone for us, bringing significant change to our processes and directly impacting the experience of our cooperative members. Modernizing our technology is crucial for us to keep progressing and enhancing our performance. That's why we are committed to extending these solutions to other internal processes, as we believe they are disruptive technologies with great potential for application in various areas. A true success story in automation and artificial intelligence, which is already inspiring other financial cooperatives to optimise their processes through technology."
Ademir José Carota - Managing Director of Sicoob Cocred
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.
"The initiative has been essential in consolidating the SER+ program onto a single platform, making it easier to implement the Excellence Project while boosting idea generation within the Kaizen methodology. It has also streamlined processes and greatly enhanced efficiency, supporting our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement."
Luiz Renato Gobbo, Director of Excellence at Raízen.