SoftExpert, a software and services provider for enterprise-wide business processes automation, improvement, compliance management and corporate governance, just released an ebook called “How to improve document management system”. The publication offers some easy-to-implement strategies that can help reduce costs and maximize the full potential of document management processes.
According to Marcelo Becher, business and market analyst at SoftExpert, poor document management can cause problems such as low process efficiency, lack of security on sensitive information, and even shortfalls due to missing documents or non-compliance with deadlines.
Becher reveals that answering the following questions about how documents are managed in your company: Can you easily find a contract or a policy when you need it? And when you do find it, are you sure it’s the right version? Do you know if a document has been changed and who changed it? Are you automatically notified when information is updated? “If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, there is a big chance you are having problems with document management”, tells Becher.
The eBook is available for free download here: