31 points
Cet Ebook présente des recommandations et des étapes importantes qui aideront à mettre en œuvre, optimiser et améliorer les processus de changement dans votre entreprise. Télécharger maintenant!
Gestion du changement dans le secteur pharmaceutique
Comment integrer la RSE dans votre système de management grace au digital.
Comment integrer la RSE dans votre système de management grace au digital
La responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) également appelée responsabilité sociale des entreprises est définie par la commission européenne comme l'intégration volontaire.
Webinar | Qu’est-ce que la RSE intégrée et comment le numérique peut vous aider à la gérer?
Is it a standard? A law? Would it be something worldwide? How can I fit in? Read this eBook and learn all about ESG, a driver for achieving sustainable business.
ESG: A key driver for sustainable business
Watch this webinar and see how to use Business Continuity Management to make your organization less vulnerable and more resilient.
Why Business Continuity is failing in our Complex Cyber World
Read this eBook to learn about ten processes that help public sector institutions to achieve excellence in their activities.
How to promote digital transformation in the public sector
Read this eBook to find out the ten strategic processes to help aerospace and defense companies drive innovation and enhance excellence.
How to drive innovation and enhance business excellence in the aerospace and defense industry
Read this eBook and discover the ten strategic processes that help retail companies drive innovation and improve business excellence.
How to promote digital transformation in the retail industry
Watch this webinar to find out about best practices in crisis management to handle unexpected events at your company.
Crisis Management Best Practices
Risk management is a key aspect for projects to succeed and have lasting results.
Risk management for project leaders
Read this eBook to find out the nine pillars to help medical device companies overcome barriers to excellence.
How to overcome challenges and boost results in the medical devices industry
Lisez cet eBook pour découvrir les dix processus stratégiques pour aider les entreprises automobiles à stimuler l'innovation et à améliorer l'excellence.