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SoftExpert ESG est une solution 100% web pour toute gestion stratégique de la durabilité qui implique des facteurs environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance, transformant vos risques ESG en valeurs et opportunités et automatisant le processus de bout en bout.
SoftExpert ESG
Watch this webinar and learn how your company can implement a root cause analysis tool
Basic of root Cause Analysis
Capture, organize and share knowledge across the enterprise with SoftExpert Knowledgebase software!
SoftExpert Base de Connaissances
How human performance management significantly impacts the management of corporate performance in organizations.
Human x corporate performance management: relations and differences
Watch this Webinar and learn how Internal Quality Audits can help your company overcome the challenge of continuous improvement.
Overcoming the challenge of continuous improvement with internal quality audits
Get to know about SoftExpert Exigence and all its features and capabilities.
SoftExpert Exigence
Watch this Webinar to learn how ISO 45001 can help your company to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks and create better, safer working conditions.
Achieving Excellence in OH&S with ISO 45001
Watch this webinar to learn how an Integrated Management System can cut red tape and boost productivity at your business.
Enhancing regulatory compliance through the integrated approach
Tools and techniques to finding solutions, how to avoid common misuse of the process and how to use it for success in your organization.
Understanding Root Cause Analysis
ISO 10015
SE Action Pack
The changes about corrective and preventive actions in the current ISO 9001:2015.