44 points
Cas à succès
Grupo Tiradentes, leader in higher education in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, saved $140,000 with SoftExpert Suite solution for business compliance, innovation and digital transformation.
Grupo Tiradentes saves $140,000 with SoftExpert Suite solution
White Paper
Read this article and find out more about how excellence models can help your company to improve organizational performance.
Collaboration: A Success Factor for Organizational Excellence
Read this eBook to find out the ten strategic processes to help aerospace and defense companies drive innovation and enhance excellence.
How to drive innovation and enhance business excellence in the aerospace and defense industry
Read this eBook and find out more about the ten strategic processes that help agribusiness companies drive innovation and enhance business excellence.
How to promote digital transformation in the agribusiness industry
White Paper
Read this article and find out how to reduce conflicts, increase collaboration and help people to share knowledge and information.
A-to-Z strategies for building collaboration
Cas à succès
The solution allows learning institutions to analyze and continually improve the efficiency of their operations.
SoftExpert Suite for Education Sector
Read this eBook and learn how to prepare your institution for digital transformation processes.
How to promote digital transformation in the education sector
Lisez cet eBook pour découvrir les dix processus stratégiques pour aider les entreprises automobiles à stimuler l'innovation et à améliorer l'excellence.
Comment stimuler linnovation et améliorer lexcellence commerciale dans lindustrie automobile
Lisez ce livre électronique et découvrez quelques stratégies qui vous aideront à passer du papier au format numérique en accélérantles processus dans votreentreprise.
Guide complet pour abolir l’utilisation du papier
Découvrez dans ce livre électronique les huit piliers pour aider les entreprises de services financiers à surmonter les obstacles à la transformation et à l'excellence numériques.
Comment promouvoir la transformation numérique dans le secteur des services financiers
How human performance management significantly impacts the management of corporate performance in organizations.
Human x corporate performance management: relations and differences
White Paper
A competency-based performance management model and its implementation as a strategic initiative.